(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
- Within the limits of his competence, he manages the activities of the company and is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the company.
- Ensures compliance with legal requirements in the company's activities.
- Executes contracts on behalf of the company, makes decisions within the limits of the granted rights.
- Issues orders and instructions related to the activities of the company.
- Submits reports and information to the general meeting of shareholders, and members of the supervisory board to cover the activities of the community for a certain period of time.
- Takes all necessary measures to improve the efficiency of the work performed by the company.
- Considers and makes decisions on other issues related to the company's activities.
Year of birth:
1984, Tashkent region
in 2005 he graduated from the Tashkent automobile and road institute, faculty of management,
In 2009 he graduated from the master’s level training of "Tashkent state economic" university, faculty "management".
09.09.2005 – 05.01.2006
Trainee at "Uzagrosugurta" JSC SJSIC on the basis of employment contract;
06.01.2006 – 01.03.2006
Assistant manager for personal insurance in the department of "development of insurance services" "Uzagrosugurta" JSC SJSIC;
01.03.2006 – 18.04.2008
Assistant manager of the "insurance claims" department at Uzagrosugurta" JSC SJSIC;
18.04.2008 – 06.11.2008
Assistant manager of the dept of marketing and information service at Uzagrosugurta JSC SJSIC;
06.11.2008 – 03.02.2009
Manager of the "marketing and information service" department in "Uzagrosugurta" JSC SJSIC;
from 04.02.2009 – 03.05.2010
Deputy director of the subsidiary company "Poytaxt Sug'urta" in "Uzagrosugurta" JSC SJSIC;
2013 – 2022
General director of LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
15.02.2022 – Now
Chairman of the Board of JSC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA".
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
- Ensures the implementation of the regulations "on the procedure for execution and registration of insurance contracts concluded in the company's system".
- Develops and implements insurance contracts of the established standard form.
- Model insurance will review letters requesting permission from regional divisions to amend contracts.
- Systematizes the sale of voluntary insurance products and develops this system.
- Considers measures to ensure the continuity of relations of cooperation between the company and insurance customers (skd).
- Takes measures to train employees and improve their skills in this area.
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
Department "Compulsory insurance services";
Department "Consideration of insured events";
Organizes the tasks of the department "Precautions and subrogation" and controls their activities.
- Prepare the characteristics of each type of insurance, sales methods, presentations, commercial offers and sample written letters, taking into account market demand and competition, for use by regional sales units;
- Determine the area of insurance and potential customers for each type of insurance, in particular, determine optional and mandatory types of insurance that can be recommended to potential customers if a new product is needed;
- Organization of the sales process by regional divisions by assigning existing types of insurance to responsible employees;
- Performs tasks such as reviewing measures to ensure the continuity of cooperative relationships with the society's insurance clients (CRM).
Year of birth:
1978, Tashkent region
In 1999 he graduated from the Tashkent state Agrarian university with a degree in economics,
In 2008 graduated from the Financial institute with a degree in banking,
In 2012 he graduated from the Academy of state and social construction under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a degree in foreign economic relations and international relations.
from 09.12.2008 – 30.03.2015
Deputy head of Bekabad district administration of Tashkent region for economic and social development;
01.05.2015 – 18.07.2016
Senior assistant manager of the department of "Insurance and development of insurance services" LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
18.07.2016 – 02.01.2017
Manager of the department "Insurance and development of insurance services" LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
26.11.2018 – 29.12.2021
Director of the department "Development of insurance services" LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
16.09.2020 – 29.12.2021
Acting deputy general director of LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
30.12.2021 – 21.02.2022
Deputy general director of LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
21.02.2022 – 16.01.2023
Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "KAFIL-SUG‘URTA";
16.01.2023 – now
Deputy chairman of the Board of JSC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA" - Director of the department of Compulsory insurance services.
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
Center for professional development;
Organizes the tasks of the department "work with employees" and controls their activities.
- The candidate performs tasks such as working with personnel and creating a talent pool.
- Prepares orders for hiring, vacation, change of position, dismissal.
- Examines the performance of each employee.
- Controls the implementation of the rules of the "professional ethics" of the company, i.e. internal discipline.
- Ensures the preparation of powers of attorney for the conclusion of an insurance contract for the heads of the regional office.
- Takes measures to implement a reasonable personnel policy.
Year of birth:
1984, tashkent city
In 2008 he graduated from the tax academy with a degree in “Taxation”
In 2021 he graduated from the Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a degree in Insurance Business.
From 2010 to 2011
Head of the department "Compulsory collection of tax debts" of the state tax administration of the Tashkent region, "Compulsory collection of tax debts";
2011 to 2012
Chief tax inspector of the state tax committee of the republic of Uzbekistan, main department of enforced collection of tax debts;
State tax inspector of the department "Compulsory collection of tax debts" of the state tax inspectorate of the state tax committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, Zangiota district;
2012 to 2013
Head of the department "Compulsory collection of tax debts" of the state tax committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, state tax inspectorate of Zangiota district;
Head of the department "Accounting, analysis, maintaining a database on taxes and other obligatory payments" of the state tax inspectorate of the state tax committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, Zangiota district;
Head of the department "Compulsory collection of tax debts" of the state tax committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, Zangiota district;
from 2013 to 2018
Manager of the personnel department of LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
from 2013 to 2018
Manager of the department "Consideration of insured events" LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA" (part-time);
2018 – 05.01.2022
Director of the department "On work with personnel" LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
05.01.2022 – 21.02.2022
Deputy general director of LLC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA";
21.02.2022 - until now
Deputy chairman of the board of JSC "KAFIL-SUG'URTA" - Director of the HR department.
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
- Makes calculations.
- calculates monthly salary and additional fees for employees.
- provides payment of rent payments.
- Pays insurance agents on the basis of documents.
- in case of early termination of the insurance contract, the unused insurance premium will be returned to customers on the basis of an additional contract.
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
- develops predictive indicators of insurance premiums for branches.
- analyzes forecast indicators.
- maintains and improves the I-POLIS electronic program.
- submits all reports on the company's insurance activities to the Agency for the Development of the Insurance Market and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.
- prepares information on the calculation of the insurance reserve and the total amount.
- from actuarial calculations of the company's annual results
responsible for transmission.
-responsible for paid premiums (reimbursements) to the insured under contracts that ended ahead of schedule.
- generates reports on the results of the implementation of the Regulations "On the assessment and ranking of the activities of regional branches, the organization of a competition among employees and the awarding of its winners."
- maintains accounting records in accordance with the regulation “On the procedure for financing branches”.
- carries out reinsurance and joint insurance activities.
- An information letter on the conclusion of an agency agreement with an insurance agent of regional branches and documents related to the insurance agent are entered into the register in an electronic program.
- creates a list of unauthorized insurance agents and uploads it to the cloud system of the Company's website (;
- considers appeals of regional divisions for permission to conclude insurance contracts that exceed the limit of powers for insurance liability (overlimit) and require changes in insurance rates, and responds to the appeal.
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
- takes measures to place free cash on deposits in commercial banks;
- takes measures to acquire certificates of deposit and securities.
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
- Reinsurance of the company's existing insurance liability under insurance contracts in domestic and international insurance markets, insurance of insurance liability for reinsurance from other insurance (reinsurance) organizations informed acceptance of the risks specified in the loan agreement by all parties;
- Development of promising reinsurance markets through joint reinsurance operations;
- Placement of the company's insurance obligations in domestic and international reinsurance markets;
- Analyzing the status, results and prospects of the international activity of the society;
- Implementation of long-term planning of international activities, making plans and preparing contracts for cooperation with foreign insurance and reinsurance organizations and brokers;
- Development and selection of optimal terms of reinsurance;
- Control and monitoring of funds for reinsurance operations;
- Participation in the development and implementation of a strategy that ensures the recognition of the company in the international market and the formation of the reputation of a reliable and financially stable insurance company;
- Ensuring the effective operation and continuous improvement of the quality management system of the company in its activities;
- Ensuring the Company's competitiveness in foreign and domestic markets by improving the types of services that meet international quality standards;
- To study the causes of the problems and deficiencies that have arisen in one's direction, to eliminate them and to carry out systematic work in order to prevent the occurrence of problems and deficiencies in the future.
(71) 237-33-26
Responsibilities and functions:
- Takes measures to improve the qualifications and knowledge of employees, their training on the basis of insurance legislation and internal regulatory documents of the Company.
- Advises employees on any issues related to their work.
- Makes proposals to the management to control the improvement by employees of their insurance knowledge and work on themselves, to encourage employees in this direction or to take appropriate measures.
- Working with students in cooperation with higher educational institutions, organizing their internships, inviting promising students to work in the Company and establishing the traditions of a mentor-student in the Company.
- Organizes the implementation of approved monthly actions to eliminate deficiencies identified as a result of the monthly final monthly rating assessment of regional divisions.
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
- Provides legal protection of property and other interests of the Company in courts and other instances.
- Examines all legal agreements, internal regulatory documents in the company and gives appropriate conclusions.
(71) 237-33-26
Responsibilities and functions:
- provides household goods related to business operations;
- divides insurance policies into territorial units based on the relevant notification;
- controls the intended use of the company's assets;
- issues a power of attorney to drive a vehicle.
(71) 237-33-26
Duties and functions:
- carries out activities in the field of marketing and advertising;
- introduce corporate website and other news channels;
- exercises control over ensuring the execution of the order "on the formation of an exemplary image of the Company" (standardization of the company's branches according to the brand book of the Company);
- prepares materials on ongoing tenders in the field of insurance;
- organizes control over the introduction of the CRM software system by the regional branches of the Company.
(71) 237-33-26
Responsibilities and functions:
- examines insurance claims received by the Head Office through regional divisions based on the "Insurance Claim Review" Regulation;
- monitors the implementation of this Regulation by the regional division;
- takes measures to train employees and improve their skills in this direction.
(71) 237-33-26
Responsibilities and functions:
- studying and monitoring the compliance of the structural and regional divisions of the General Office with the current legislation and the internal normative documents of the Society;
- the responsible departments jointly consider measures to prevent them from making mistakes.
(71) 237-33-26
Responsibilities and functions:
- ensures proper and prudent use of computers and the Internet in the community system;
- maintains a community site;
- researches the problems of electronic systems in society and takes measures to solve them.
(71) 237-33-26
Responsibilities and functions:
- hears subrogation cases;
- monitors the implementation of this Regulation by the regional division;
- takes measures to train employees and improve their skills in this direction.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Duties and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- ensuring high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
+998 69 226 25 27
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- providing high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.
Tasks and functions:
- ensuring high-quality and prompt customer service for voluntary and compulsory types of insurance.