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NOTICE (Europrotocol)

Company history

  • 2024

    - Уставный капитал увеличен на 32,82%.
    - Организована деятельность по перестрахованию.
    - Присвоено звание «Бренд года – 2023» по выбору потребителей.
    - Внедрена система управления качеством в соответствии с требованиями стандарта - - ISO 9001:2009, получены международные и национальные сертификаты.
    - Подтвержден высший уровень финансовой стабильности «uzA++».
    - Запущена программа «KAFIL GRANT» для студентов Ташкентского государственного экономического университета.
    - В рамках проекта «Звездный клиент» активно пропагандировалась страховая грамотность.
    - Проведена работа по популяризации страхования среди населения.
    = Созданы более удобные условия для клиентов через call-центр и онлайн-услуги.

  • 2023

    Awarded the title of "Brand of the Year 2022" as chosen by consumers.

    - Confirmation of a high level of financial stability with a rating of "uzA++" (Highest Financial Reliability).

    - By the end of the first quarter, the company ranked 7th in the ranking of insurance companies in Uzbekistan in terms of insurance premium collection, according to data.

    - Signing a memorandum of cooperation with the University of Science and Technologies (USAT).

    - Signing a memorandum of mutual cooperation with "Alfa Invest" JSC (Joint-Stock Company)

  • 2022

    Reorganization of the Limited Liability Company "KAFIL-SUG'URTA." The insurance company transformed from a limited liability company into a joint-stock company.

    - Rebranding of the website.

    - Confirmation of a high level of financial stability with a rating of "uzA++" (Highest Financial Reliability)

  • 2021

    Leading online magazine "Global Banking & Finance Review" selected KAFIL SUG'URTA as the winner in the category of "Fastest-Growing Company in General Insurance in Uzbekistan 2021" for the year 2020.

    - Confirmation of the company's solvency rating at "uzA++" (RA "Ahbor-Reyting").

    - Launch of grant programs for students at the Tashkent State Economic University.

    - Launch of e-policy sales for motor insurance (OSAGO)

  • 2020

    By the end of the first quarter, the company ranked 8th in the ranking of insurance companies in Uzbekistan in terms of insurance premium collection, according to data.

    - Increase of the company's authorized capital to 35.2 billion UZS as of July 9, 2020.

    - On November 18, 2020, obtaining a license for compulsory types of insurance.

    - Signing a memorandum of cooperation with the Tashkent State Economic University, as well as the opening of a scientific-practical laboratory of KAFIL SUG'URTA at the university.

    - Rebranding of the company "KAFIL SUG'URTA."

  • 2018

    Public award "Oltin Soyabon" in the category of "Best Branch Employee."

  • 2015

    Implementation of the Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of the DSt ISO 9001:2009 standard

  • 2006

    Obtaining a license from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to conduct insurance activities

  • 2004

    "KAFIL-SUG'URTA" was founded