- Уставный капитал увеличен на 32,82%.
- Организована деятельность по перестрахованию.
- Присвоено звание «Бренд года – 2023» по выбору потребителей.
- Внедрена система управления качеством в соответствии с требованиями стандарта - - ISO 9001:2009, получены международные и национальные сертификаты.
- Подтвержден высший уровень финансовой стабильности «uzA++».
- Запущена программа «KAFIL GRANT» для студентов Ташкентского государственного экономического университета.
- В рамках проекта «Звездный клиент» активно пропагандировалась страховая грамотность.
- Проведена работа по популяризации страхования среди населения.
= Созданы более удобные условия для клиентов через call-центр и онлайн-услуги.
Awarded the title of "Brand of the Year 2022" as chosen by consumers.
- Confirmation of a high level of financial stability with a rating of "uzA++" (Highest Financial Reliability).
- By the end of the first quarter, the company ranked 7th in the ranking of insurance companies in Uzbekistan in terms of insurance premium collection, according to www.mf.uz data.
- Signing a memorandum of cooperation with the University of Science and Technologies (USAT).
- Signing a memorandum of mutual cooperation with "Alfa Invest" JSC (Joint-Stock Company)
Reorganization of the Limited Liability Company "KAFIL-SUG'URTA." The insurance company transformed from a limited liability company into a joint-stock company.
- Rebranding of the kafil.uz website.
- Confirmation of a high level of financial stability with a rating of "uzA++" (Highest Financial Reliability)
Leading online magazine "Global Banking & Finance Review" selected KAFIL SUG'URTA as the winner in the category of "Fastest-Growing Company in General Insurance in Uzbekistan 2021" for the year 2020.
- Confirmation of the company's solvency rating at "uzA++" (RA "Ahbor-Reyting").
- Launch of grant programs for students at the Tashkent State Economic University.
- Launch of e-policy sales for motor insurance (OSAGO)
By the end of the first quarter, the company ranked 8th in the ranking of insurance companies in Uzbekistan in terms of insurance premium collection, according to www.mf.uz data.
- Increase of the company's authorized capital to 35.2 billion UZS as of July 9, 2020.
- On November 18, 2020, obtaining a license for compulsory types of insurance.
- Signing a memorandum of cooperation with the Tashkent State Economic University, as well as the opening of a scientific-practical laboratory of KAFIL SUG'URTA at the university.
- Rebranding of the company "KAFIL SUG'URTA."
Public award "Oltin Soyabon" in the category of "Best Branch Employee."
Implementation of the Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of the DSt ISO 9001:2009 standard
Obtaining a license from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to conduct insurance activities
"KAFIL-SUG'URTA" was founded